Both the merchant and his wife were very excited about the idea. There were already many bakeries in the kingdom but the merchant and his wife wanted their pastry shop to be cut above the rest- the best in the entire kingdom.
Soon the work began on the construction of the pastry shop. Its structure was easily the most massive of all the pastry shops in the kingdom. The upcoming pastry shop was already the toast of the town.
To give direction on how the pastries should taste and to add value to the shop, the merchant hired his old friend, who was very famous pastry maker of the kingdom. He was famous as Mr. Brave inside and outside the kingdom.
Mr. Brave was very meticulous about the taste and quality of the pastries. His knowledge and insight into the pastries were beyond doubts.
So that the pastries are of varied taste and high on quality, Mr. Brave hired his deputy- a young farsighted man, with many claims to fame. Despite his very young age, he was very respectable in the pastry industry. He was made the manager of the shop.
And began the countdown to the opening of the pastry shop. There was an excitement in the air. All the workers in the yet-to-be-opened pastry shop were working day and night. Various flavours of pastries were being made and tested.
The team of Mr. Brave, the young manager and hundreds of workers was the perfect dream team- an eye-soar for other bakeries for sure.
Suddenly one day, just when everything was ready for the pastry shop to be opened, everything collapsed.
The rich merchant and Mr. Brave fell apart- over the tastes and flavours of the pastries. The rich merchant and his wife especially, wanted quantity, whereas Mr. Brave was not willing to compromise on the quality. The entire kingdom was shocked as they were eagerly waiting for the pastry shop to be opened soon.
Immediately after the rich merchant and his wife fell apart with Mr. Brave, dark and ugly clouds gathered in the sky. The young manager who was hired by Mr. Brave was called in by some sycophants of the rich merchant. The young manager was asked to leave the soon-to-be-opened pastry shop.
His exit was very unceremonious as he was manhandled and almost bundled out of the shop, yet he kept a dignified demeanor. His exit became toast of the town. No one could believe how the rich merchant and his wife could stoop to that level.
And began another chapter in the history of that pastry shop.
(To be continued)
i know what we are talking about...and i know of a small baker who was hired as well ...he was assigned to bake the cookies though...
I agree with Mohsin... let's see what's in store for the bakers
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